With my placements on The Special Committee on Aging; the Committee on Appropriations; the Committee on Foreign Relations; the Select Committee on Intelligence; and the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, I've advocated for oversight and reforms to key government functions, vital measures to keep our people safe, and whenever necessary, have served as a check against the Senate's Democratic leadership.
I haven’t stopped there. I’ve also led a bold offensive to restore the American Dream through 21st century conservative reforms. My ideas are based on the simple truth that the American economy has changed significantly in recent decades and that our policies and institutions must change too if we are to access the possibilities of the 21st century. I encourage you to read and view the speeches outlining my proposals, which are available on my website at the links below:
Fighting poverty by empowering states to empower their people
Bringing an affordable higher education within reach of every American
Sparking economic growth by capitalizing on innovation and the global economy
Saving Social Security and Medicare by reforming them for future generations
Defending our people by revitalizing America’s military strength
I also encourage you to check out this speech, which places each of these reforms into the lives of real Floridians. Just like them, my reforms would also benefit you and your family. They would give you your own set of keys to the most inclusive and dynamic economic engine ever conceived: the American free enterprise system. When that system is allowed to function as it was designed to, and when every American can access it, widespread prosperity is inevitable.
With the exciting possibilities of this century, I can’t help but be an optimist. But to attain our potential tomorrow, there is work to be done today. That work is why I ran for office. I believe that with a smart limited government approach, Americans can come together to revive the American Dream, bring it into reach of more people than ever before, and usher in an American Century even more brilliant and prosperous than the last.
Thank you. May God bless you and your family. And may God bless the United States.
Marco Rubio
Marco Rubio served in the Florida House of Representatives from 2000 to 2008 and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010.